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  1. Ruse


    Heh. Yep. Pretty much. They hate phsychiatric doctors. And liberals. They think they're the same thing.
  2. Ruse


    My parents are very conservative and refuse to belive that "Oh, God, there's something wrong with her". Plus, I'm not around them enough for it to click with them. They are way too preoccupied. They don't believe there's ADD, OCD, ADHD, etc. Any mental disorder.
  3. Ruse


    Yes, everyone is responsible for their own actions. I happen to be one of those people that not only am I an untreated bipolar, but I have the worst cycle of anyone I know. I throw up, I feel sick, etc., and that's gotta make me look like a wet cat. I know it because at the moment, I am just...
  4. Ruse

    Today's Thoughts on God

    I'm not saying that I don't do those things, but I hate them with a passion and try to stay away from feminism as far as possible. Feminism is like a disease. One girl is pissed because she can't vote, another realizes she wants to be reponisble for the choosing of a world leader, and another...
  5. Ruse

    Today's Thoughts on God

    Why do "women" always need to make a stink when they aren't included? Goddamn, I hate it when feminists bitch about everything. Then I remember why I am sexist against my own sex. They're all bitches, and have one malfunction or another that they will choke to death to scream to the world. What...
  6. Ruse

    Porn on Off Topic Forum... WTF ??

    Seriously, I think it's tacky, superfluous to a debate site, and just plain dumb. That's just for myself. I think if someone wants to post it, that's up to the admins. Porn doesn't belong on a debate forum, if I am correct. Now, people can do whatever they want, and this is a mature site, so I...
  7. Ruse

    What's on your playlist?

    Indeed, I have it. Really, I think it would make a feasible choice to elect. "You're a big disgrace," XD, all of us basically tell that to each other.
  8. Ruse

    What's on your playlist?

    How about.... We Will Rock You, by Queen? Weird thought at first, yes, but... think about it for a sec. It sort of grew on me.
  9. Ruse

    What's on your playlist?

    Loreena McKennitt E.S. Posthumus Enigma Nickelback The Beatles Lynard Skynard Mamas and Papas Michael Buble King Crimson The Rat Pack: 56 Greatest Hits Sountracks Of All Kinds (Chicago, Lion King, PotC, LOTR, Moulin Rouge, Phantom of the Opera,Braveheart,E etc.) Santana The Eagles Master...
  10. Ruse

    Read any good books lately?

    I drink tea constantly, and so it's gotten to the point I drink most all kinds in a rotation, XD, though I am quite partial to Chai and Green. Usually I'll drink chai when I'm reading. (Pot tea I will not go for, though). I'll take Earl Grey, without honey.
  11. Ruse

    Read any good books lately?

    I'll remember that one, Tizz. Thanks for the advice, ;) I'll try to make myself more clear next time.
  12. Ruse

    Read any good books lately?

    I've read tons of different genres, including Little Women, the Christy books, old Latin texts (man, did that one take me forever. That was a brush up on my Latin.), Mark Twain, Meditations from Marcus Areilus, and I still cherish my Brother's Grimm volume. I shudder to think of the stage I...
  13. Ruse

    Read any good books lately?

    I'm not saying that I'm more intelligent because I read something of a higher maturity. I'm saying that pathetic. That has nothing to do with my view of their intelligence. I'm saying they are insulting their intelligence by picking up that book. I know someone who is as intelligent as the best...
  14. Ruse

    Conspiracy Theorists Piss Me Off!!

    He did. He's in league with the Yakuza, to get us into another war because his ratings will rise again if the public thinks that he's a good guy, after all. Hahah, that IS bullshit.
  15. Ruse

    Are parents dropping the ball more and more as the years go on?

    As for myself, I hate kids and babies -shudder-. My best friend had a baby when she was fourteen, over the summer break. She was the first and only person to show me what a baby really was-- that I could actually enjoy something like that, akin to the enjoyment and contentedness I get from my...
  16. Ruse

    Are parents dropping the ball more and more as the years go on?

    I was raised under "Children should be seen, and not heard." I lived under that rule for twelve years, and I still fully agree with it. Perhaps that may be taking it too far, and perhaps it should be (in public) or some such, but I think it's effective and gets the point across. One of the...
  17. Ruse

    Pretentious language

    I find it discouraging that a member is complaining about another's vocabulary, rather than the lack of it. What should it matter to you?
  18. Ruse

    Sd's **** List!!!!!

    I now have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that comes when I have read something throughly unsettling. I don't even think I'll have the grace today to dignify her gropings with a decent response. It's not worth my time. As my lovely Canadian friend David says, you just can't debate...
  19. Ruse

    Sd's **** List!!!!!

    Ahh, let us begin. Wow to you. Where does one begin? First of all, now I finally see how everyone else sees me. But you, darling, are the most pretentious little bitch I've ever had the misfortune of meeting, and I must say in my own defense because I KNOW this is how everyone thinks of me...
  20. Ruse

    Relocating NO residents, could it be a good thing ??

    AT LAST, someone agrees with me. I mean, really, is it so terrible that we say it would be good for the rest of the country? So, it's a tragety, yes, but 1), we'll get over it. 2), at least one filthy city is getting dumped out, and awareness of where we're living will rise.