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  1. Gray~Gal

    Mix and Match

  2. Gray~Gal

    I'm a guy

    Dont feel bad 60, not everyone can look oh so And your only 16, you gotta lot of "growing" to do, lol not like that you dirty minded freaks. Anyways, if and when you join the military, youll look like the rest of them, thats all that matters
  3. Gray~Gal

    Michael Jackson murdered by his brother !!

    If Only................... ;)
  4. Gray~Gal

    Who Wants To Be A Moderator ?

    I think the MOD should be liked but still arrogant and self righteous...LOL
  5. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    I dont think you should be able to bitch unless you are making SOME SORT of attempt to do something about their complaint....HHMM
  6. Gray~Gal

    Popped this cherry !! Guess who's an IDIOT now !!

    Ok when are we gonna be able to VOTE on an idiot. I mean can we just start throwing names out there or what...just let me know...
  7. Gray~Gal

    Creation Care and Christianity

    You know what...people who think they can just do whatever they want to the earth are the bastards who bitch about landfills and **** to that extreme. They like to destroy things for no apparent reason and its sad. I mean i am no tree hugger but dont "cut it down" unless we need it. Hey trees...
  8. Gray~Gal

    Stupid female bitching

    I am good....I dont need to reproduce ANYMORE...LOL 4 is enough We dont need a divorce..just him home..think i just needed to get laid....its outta my system...he said he wont be home until feb so its on hold 4 awhile :(
  9. Gray~Gal

    Is masterbating better than sex?

  10. Gray~Gal

    Who wear the pants..huh??

    You ever see a family where a husband goes to work all day.....a regular 9-5 job and makes all the money and his wife makes the rules? Or maybe it the other way around, Mom works her ass off and come home to take care of the kids and cook dinner but dad with his part time job makes the decisions...
  11. Gray~Gal

    Mix and Match

    I just want to how people really feel about couples who date out of there "race". I mean my first marriage was a mixed guy...he was french/irish and black. Yeah that sounds like an odd combination but you could tell he is black if you saw him. I never thought twice about it but i would never...
  12. Gray~Gal

    Open Relationship. Is it the answer?

    People who have "open relationships" arent in real relationships...Its like friends with benefits....thats what it should be called. Cause doing that **** causes too many problems...even if details ARENT discussed!
  13. Gray~Gal

    The Bitch is Back in Town

    Yeah that would be great, A ****ing bitch who hates 99% of us trying to be a MOD. Thats ok, I will still ****ing bash the bitch because one things for sure....If idiots like her can be a MOD and get away with bad mouthing dead ppl over and over..then so be it. No one really cares for her...
  14. Gray~Gal

    i feel so alone

    HAHHAHHA Builder you got OWNED by Msixty!! Good ****......You might be older but more full of **** then most
  15. Gray~Gal

    All I ask of you !!

    Well my husband usually says hey bitch or hey you....No im kidding But really Gray is good, last names are better to go by if you hate your first.
  16. Gray~Gal

    Confederate flag under fire

    EXACTLY!! Ugh, i hate when ppl dont know their FACTS!!! Anyways, The KKK might have had some educated guys who started it but they aint got any COMMON SENSE! They are ****ing morons.....i wanna know who thought of the sheet thing..ya know? Was it like...hey guys No One will know who we are if we...
  17. Gray~Gal


    I personally dont like blast or machine guns.....i HONESTLY dont think civilians should be able to purchase these cause there are some SICK ****s in this world and they should be able to buy anything that deadly. I know Guns dont kill people, People kill People but if you hand them the right...
  18. Gray~Gal

    Confederate flag under fire

    Yeah the GA flag needs to come back! None of that BS **** with what we have now....How far deep in the south of GA do ya live.....I know near ludowoci(sp) there is KKK there and they fly the southern cross all the time but its just to piss ppl off
  19. Gray~Gal

    Stupid female bitching

    Hey well there is sometimes a reason to be PARANOID Its ok i think i will be over it. It just an arguement that will go away. Happens from time to time.
  20. Gray~Gal


    OMG that is ****ING GROSS